A first visit to the forest on the island with Daisy, a 1997 Japan Specification Land Rover Defender 90 that spent a good portion of its life in the Kansai area. The air is still cool but the light makes it feel like spring is arriving.
Several small items have been checked off slowly so far after arrival on the island: removed most of the remaining gluey foam tape bits stuck everywhere from etc card mounts and cb antennae, reattached the passenger side dash speaker, disassembled the binnacle/console and cleared out the heater/demister duct so it runs freely, lubed up the heater core cable so it moves better, put in some screws where the dash was missing them, cleaned and reinstalled the rear side window felt and replaced the latch on one side, adjusted and lubricated the drivers side front vent, took off the sunroof and cleaned the seal and glass, cleaned and inspected the oil cooler hoses, rearranged the seat parts so there are three working ones and only one with issues, got duplicates of 2 out of 3/4 keys (still looking for a blank for the rear/passenger door key), mounted a fire extinguisher, adjusted/repaired the license plate mounts, put in some jumper cables and a wheel wrench, replaced the transfer case speed transducer, cleaned out the leftover rodent nest from the cradle of the “v” under the plenum, adjusted the throttle cable, replaced plugs and wires (with magnecor), cleaned the maf sensor and oil separator and replaced a couple of cracking vacuum hoses, some door card and rear interior trim fasteners, and the missing o-ring in the air intake and front hub covers.
See more posts related to Daisy’s journey, restoration, and adventures