Now that this machine is moving well toward operational status it would be nice to have a few tools onboard permanently. The museum forge was donated some rusty old wrenches (aka spanners) and there were several usable ones in the leftovers after the other smiths picked them over. They appear to mainly come from antique farm equipment and vehicles, made in Canada, USA, and England.
A couple of days soaking in a vinegar and water solution dissolved most of the rust and then a wire brush cleaned them up nicely. A thin coat of natural tung oil and half an hour in the oven at 200 degrees to cure it hard left them with a nice dry rust-resistant layer without ruining their temper.
Some have marked sizes in inches, many do not. Measured sizes include every whole mm in the range from 8mm to 26mm along with about eight additional .5mm in between those and several doubles of sizes. At this point 6mm, 7mm, and 10mm (which would be 3/8″) are notably missing, and a couple of screwdrivers and other potentially useful bits complete the collection for now.
The whole set is rolled up in a khaki canvas tool roll made from actual land rover soft top hood material with traditional buckles, by Exmoor Trim. A half dozen of the smaller pockets were too narrow for double-ended wrenches so every other row of stitches had to be removed from those to be able to use them.
A vintage hatchet was also cleaned up and restored and given a magnolia wood scabbard and a coat of tung oil. Stowed onboard also are a hammer, galvanized tow chain, and old style hi-lift farm jack, along with the stock screw jack and wheel lug wrenches.