Tag: snow
Frosty morning
The night air from the forest has crystallized into delicate ice sculptures on every surface. The sun breaks low through the trees and helps take the edge off as the morning unfolds. On a cold frosty day this old machine is quite happy to have a block heater–a couple of hours plugged in and she…
Field trip
A quick detour through the forest and field one clear evening. The mist hovering above the slushy snow as the cool air descends. A few quick moments to catch the mist and the warm glow of the headlights as the world grows strangely dim. Photos courtesy of Alexander Stickel.
Snow at the beach
Snow and seaside together is a relatively rare view in these parts, a lovely combination. The long winter shadows of the trees couldn’t keep the afternoon sun off the water as the waves roared in. Quite relaxing listening to the sound and enjoying the light for a while before tackling the snowy hills up to…
Sunshine, snow, & fresh tracks
In these parts, snowy days are often grey and overcast, the default setting for most of the winter. When the sky clears and the sun breaks through the snow takes on a whole new look. There may also have been some towing of snowskates behind the rover, though only rumors and legends remain from the…
Snowy forest scenes
The contrast of the snow with the dark evergreen boughs and the reddish cedar bark is a unique feature of winter in the north. Even though the snow has stopped and the sky is turning blue the snow from the branches continues to fall in clumps under the forest canopy. The sound is muted and…
First snow
A couple of weeks of relatively cold weather, some frost, and then the snow began. One morning it had arrived, the world had silently changed overnight. Everything suddenly looked different, felt different, and even sounded different. Snow is often short-lived in this area so we enjoy it while it lasts.